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Mission Stories
Mission stories showcase our work informing, accomplishing goals & dynamically change lives with our communities help! (Thanks Supporters) We choose missions that fulfill urgent purpose and sets forth a path to greater well being and inner peace. We hope you get inspired to help others!
Each mission has unique challenges with extra unique rewards!
Connect with a Project
Have a product, expertise or business that can help? Connecting to a mission easily sets your brand apart and allows people to see and remember your expression of care forever! Reach our mission stories team with form below!
![]() We want to see more young business owners and entrepreneurs opening creative and prosperous businesses taking advantage of all of the natural resources and untapped opportunities within the country. Tourism is a great! Having local products tourists want when they are back home is even better! |
![]() Providing scholarships for skills training in country eliminates a heavy burden and allows students to focus on studies and future goals. |
![]() Some things are out of reach! We provide way for training or other activities in the states that broaden skill sets and enhances talent with fresh scope and focused outlook ultimately adding value, inspiration and knowledge to their community! |
![]() Uplifting the community comes standard! From family events to providing shelter, building homes, restoring, updating and making accessible! |
![]() Providing food, clothing and other needed goods to areas with mission winners is one of the ways we can motivate, encourage and uplift. |
![]() Ultimately providing help from start up concepts to open doors ensure efficient measures are taken to ensure feasibility, compliance and demand. |
Project Uplift (Caribbean & Central America)
An inspiring mission, to uplift and motivate youth throughout Central America & the Caribbean! Beautiful places with friendly, talented and energetic youth! Its important for the youth to continuously see others within reach doing positive things so they can be inspired to follow suit fueling their own ideas & passions!
"In a time marked by unprecedented poverty, crime, and hopelessness, Project Uplift stands as a beacon of hope. Rooted in the principles of the gospel, it seeks to nurture young minds, inspire positivity, and guide the next generation in faith and purpose. As Proverbs 22:6 reminds us, 'Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.' Unfortunately, many have been trained up in the traditions of the world, which lead to the very separation from God we now witness—a reality that no one can ignore. Project Uplift seeks to counter this by instilling values of love, resilience, and hope, encouraging the youth to turn their hearts toward their Creator. Inspired by Matthew 19:14, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,' this mission empowers young people throughout the Caribbean to rise above challenges, break free from worldly influences, and walk boldly in their God-given destiny."
Project H20 (Various Areas)
The earth is drying! Over 2.3 billion people face water stress. In the U.S., 43% of the land is under drought, affecting millions of lives and crops. All African countries face drought. As God used droughts to awaken nations in the past, we must take heed to understand the times.
"Project H2O sheds light on the deeper truth that today's droughts are not merely environmental but reflect a profound spiritual drought. Just as the land suffers from a lack of water, many hearts have turned away from God, rejecting His commandments and embracing practices contrary to His Word. As Hosea 4:1-3 warns, 'There is no faithfulness or steadfast love, and no knowledge of God in the land... Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it languish.' Today, we witness widespread defiance of God's will—protests advocating for the right to abortion, the celebration of lifestyles symbolized by the rainbow that stand in opposition to God's design, and open rejection of the moral laws set forth in Scripture. These actions signify a spiritual drought where hearts have hardened and become disconnected from the true source of life—God's Word. Just as physical droughts serve as warnings to nations, this spiritual dryness calls us to discern the times we are living in. It urges us to turn back to the gospel, seek repentance, and align ourselves with God's will—not only in our spiritual walk but also in how we care for His creation. As 2 Chronicles 7:14 reminds us, 'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.' By returning to Him, we can experience renewal and healing, just as the land is revived by rain."
![]() With all the printed money and immediate funds for war, people should not have to fight to get something so essential and vital yet this is the case in many places. In this world the desired outcome is seen as beneficial hence the ineptitude on behalf of governments. |
![]() 220725-lake-mead-al-0852-6737cdThe largest reservoir in the United States supplies water to millions across seven states, tribal lands, and northern Mexico. Unfortunately most do not know how bad the water problem is for humanity! |
![]() "I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." — MattheWater bottles can provide immediate relief to communities facing drought and water scarcity by offering a portable and convenient source of clean drinking water. With over 2 billion people globally lacking access to safely managed drinking water and approximately 785 million people without basic drinking water services, bottled water can be crucial in emergency situations where local water supplies are compromised. Additionally, distributing water bottles helps mitigate health risks. |
![]() Worldwide 1 in 5 children do not get enough water to meet their daily needs. Many communities living in rural areas depends on surface water, hazardous sources, or water which can take hours to gather. |
![]() Tapping into underground water wells brings a stable water source to communities that cant access clean water. Unfortunately many communities do not have the funds or equipment for such life changing undertakings. |
![]() We all know water is essential and vital for survival! Providing test kits, water purification kits, well drilling, rain harvesting setups along with training for everyday preparation will dramatically change and empower communities. |
![]() Preparing for reality and understanding present times is wisdom. The more drought and temperature change comes more food insecurity and yields that do not meet the demands. Its empowering to simply place a seed in soil and watch food come up like creator intended. |
![]() Project grow preps & equips participants with the knowledge needed to cultivate in small spaces to larger neighborhood garden spaces. Planting to preparing, storing and sharing! |
![]() Many foods and herbs grow fast and can be easily grown in standard items with great yeild. Starting a food source as a family is an essential family activity that promotes life and healthier habits! |
![]() Droughts have severely impacted global agriculture, with recent data indicating that around 30% of crops in drought-affected regions are at risk of failure. In the U.S. alone, the 2022 drought led to significant losses, with over 60% of the country's farmland experiencing reduced crop yields, highlighting the urgent need for effective water management and drought mitigation strategies. The drought is seen as a symbol of the people's spiritual dryness and disobedience to God. |
![]() Community gardens and food banks are integral to making a lasting and foundational impact in communities that take part in project grow. Healthier food choices equal a healthier and more aware community. |
![]() Community gardens serve as practical learning spaces, fostering sharing and mutual support among participants. These gardens not only provide a source of fresh produce but also a hub for exchanging knowledge on grow methods, natural healing and the medicinal herbs. |
Project Grow (Various Areas)
As world food systems falter the quality and quantity of food declines greatly. Relying solely on stores or governments is not a smart move. Just as Joseph stored up grain during Egypt’s seven years of plenty, Project Grow encourages green thumbs, herbal health, exercise and community!
Project Grow, rooted in biblical principles, prepares individuals and communities for the challenges ahead, reinforcing faith through action "Project Grow is a mission dedicated to helping individuals grow spiritually and prepare their hearts and minds for the realities of our time. Rooted in biblical principles, it emphasizes the importance of seeking the truth for oneself, as most people remain unaware of what Scripture truly teaches. The Messiah warned that the path to life would be hard to find: 'Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it' (Matthew 7:13-14). Despite the millions of churches today, many are deceived, as He foretold in Matthew 24:24: 'For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.' As world food systems falter and the quality and quantity of food decline, it becomes increasingly clear that relying solely on stores or governments is not wise. Just as Joseph stored grain during Egypt's seven years of plenty, Project Grow encourages practical solutions like cultivating green thumbs, embracing herbal health, engaging in exercise, and fostering community support. These actions are not just about physical survival but also spiritual growth, echoing the need to prepare as Proverbs 6:6-8 teaches: 'Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.' Wars and rumors of wars, as the Messiah predicted, continue to escalate, reminding us that peace will not come in this age but only through the Kingdom of God. Project Grow prepares individuals and communities for these challenges by encouraging a return to the Word for peace and rejecting ideas contrary to Scripture and the prophets. As James 1:22 urges, 'Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.' By combining spiritual growth with actionable steps, Project Grow inspires individuals to anchor themselves in the truth, build resilience, and thrive as a light to others in challenging times."
Project Neighbor (Various Areas)
We should love our neighbor as ourself! It's an essential part of being a light amongst the expertly crafted wars of self hatred, envy, addiction and darkness imbued in our culture. Its time we remember our neighbors and put away the evil against each other!
"Project Neighbor is a mission dedicated to healing and unity, bringing people together through love, care, and meaningful action. It focuses on strengthening neighborhoods by fostering community activities and collaborating with artists to provide better music for our communities. In recent decades, rap and hip-hop have often been vehicles for harmful ideas and destructive imagery, which have negatively impacted families and led to the breakdown of communities and souls. Project Neighbor confronts this issue by championing positive, uplifting music that restores hope and integrity to hearts and minds. Families deserve cleaner, fresher options for all ears and hearts, and the youth need role models who inspire them to live with purpose and righteousness. As Psalm 78:4 proclaims, 'We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.' By promoting wholesome music and fostering meaningful neighborhood engagement, Project Neighbor provides a vibrant alternative aligned with biblical principles. This mission seeks to counter the spiritual decline caused by harmful media and the erosion of community values. By creating opportunities for collaboration and inspiring a return to righteousness, Project Neighbor encourages everyone to focus on what builds up rather than tears down. As Ephesians 4:29 advises, 'Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.' Through better music, enriching activities, and a focus on love and unity, Project Neighbor aims to uplift communities, strengthen families, and inspire the next generation to walk in truth and light."
![]() The American dream for some is an ignored nightmare for many. A stripped identity + dehumanizing trauma + social conditioning and external hate opens the door to a people connecting with everything other than each other. |
![]() The music & entertainment industry promotes violence, materialism and hypersexuality which creates negative portrayals of life influencing impressionable minds to consume and see a wickedness as just culture. |
![]() Artists set apart from the noise spreading peace, love, healing and truth in the world! Central to Project Neighbor's mission is using music as a tool for inspiring unity, respect, goodwill and love in our communities. |
![]() Every community has its own specific needs and points of contention, focusing on faith and family sets forth a foundation that addresses many pervasive issues. Workshops and training events delve into efficient problem solving, building stronger community ties and establishing foundational anchors. |
![]() Volunteering is essential to any successful neighbor program. Those with gifts, talents and accomplishments must galvanize their community by working it! This is literally the way to get your community behind you! |
![]() Organized weekly community events and activities break circles of idle nothingness and deter activities detrimental to peace and well being of others in the community. |
![]() 1950-60s married tv couples were only shown in 2 beds to not disrupt moral standards.It's hard to turn on a tv without nudity or other seductions. Digesting corrupt entertainment expands imagination, desire and subconscious consent. The predacious manner in which immorality is sewn and consumed is a marker for societies conformity. |
![]() Shop, borrow, buy, celebrate, imagine, dream, like!The endless pull to consume stimulated by outside sources eliciting emotion & actions creates a void filling people with vain desires and addictive inclinations. World problems swiftly compound as an emotionally driven population becomes complicit in silence and inactions. |
![]() The other side of shareholding, consumerism and excess requires unlimited human batteriesExploitations and imbalances across the earth have reached apocalyptic depths. The most resource rich countries have the most poverty and destabilization. The pyramid structure works from the the top down stripping people of real knowledge leading the world into a crushing dystopian. |
![]() Colonialism carried out great evil in & deceit in the form of a defaced gospel.If the disciples left an area when asked, what gospel was Columbus and other colonists following when using the bible to subdue tribes, tongues and lands? The age of reason and subsequent regressions seduced humanity into abandoning faith & fear in the creator in favor of indoctrinating theories, mysticism and other pagan traditions. |
![]() The great falling away from the narrow road happen through subtlety and death!From the inquisition where millions were tortured and killed to Edict of Milan where Sunday worship was mandated law over the Sabbath, to the dark ages when scriptures were burned, Rome has always been at the forefront of introducing the earth to a wide road filled with persecution, confusion and calamity. |
![]() Laidato Si for the world! Faith in the promises of Elohim for believers!What if climate change was related to moral change? Subtlety and time is the best friend of deception. The longer an event has passed the more time there is to present an alternate version to an acceptive generation far removed in heart from context, significance and initial impact of the event. As in the days of Noah so is today. |
Operation Look-up
"Everyone has watches on but few know what time it is!" The words ignore & ignorance share the same implications for a society inclined to looking away in favor of comfort and dopamine hits. The problems grow so extreme people have no choice but to Look-Up.
"Operation Look-Up is a mission designed to awaken society from the distractions and 'dopamine hits' that dominate the modern world. In an age where comfort, entertainment, and fleeting pleasures keep people spiritually asleep, this mission emphasizes the urgency of shifting focus from earthly distractions to eternal truths. When 'they' say, 'Don’t look up,' you better look up! For the answers and hope we need lie above, not in the empty promises of a world moving further from righteousness. The importance of Operation Look-Up is grounded in restoring spiritual discernment and awareness. Just as Jesus warned in Luke 21:34-36: 'Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.' This mission calls individuals and communities to reject distractions and seek the true gospel that leads to restoration and hope. In a society consumed by materialism, instant gratification, and ignorance of the times, Operation Look-Up inspires people to lift their eyes to the Creator and awaken their hearts to His guidance. Colossians 3:2 reminds us, 'Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.' By fostering spiritual awareness, this mission seeks to restore souls, heal communities, and prepare hearts for the challenges ahead, urging all to live with purpose and walk in truth."
Operation Lukewarm
Operation Lukewarm is a wake-up call to those seeking to walk in spirit and truth not after the laws of man and spiritual indifference. Being lukewarm is as easy as ever, and only those who stand firm in truth "the word" will resist the present delusion on earth.
"Operation Lukewarm is a mission to expose the spiritual indifference and deception that have overtaken so many, particularly the hypocrisy found in the traditions of man that many continue to follow blindly. Christ Himself warned us that the way would be hard and few would find it, yet today, churches stand on every corner claiming to have the truth. Many claim to follow Christ, but their lives reflect the opposite of His teachings. These are the same people who, if interested in singing or sports, could easily learn and mimic their favorite performers without needing anyone to guide them. Yet, when it comes to following the Messiah’s lead, they are slow to understand, blind to His ways, and resistant to change. Christ warned against the practices of men that would lead to deception, such as the misuse of titles. He said, "Call no man father" (Matthew 23:9), yet in America, we have "founding fathers" and a society founded on Luciferian Masonic principles. The world's leader of Christianity is called the "Holy Father," a direct contradiction to Christ’s words. He also warned that many would come in His name, but their actions would not align with His teachings. The rise of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) serves as a fulfillment of prophecy, as they oppose righteousness in all its forms, and yet, in a world of spiritual blindness, they are seen as a force for good, much like the Federal Reserve, which operates in secrecy and deception, far from its public image. Christ also warned that wars and rumors of wars would persist until the end (Matthew 24:6), but today, many believe that global organizations like the United Nations can bring world peace. The objective of Operation Lukewarm is to reveal these inconsistencies and contradictions, showing how modern society continues to live in blindness, repeating the same mistakes Christ warned us about. People are so accustomed to tradition that they do not question what they have been taught, no matter how far it strays from the truth of Scripture. This mission calls for believers to examine their lives and traditions, rejecting what goes against the teachings of the Messiah. Matthew 15:9 reminds us that when traditions of men replace the Word of God, worship becomes vain. We must return to the truth of Christ’s teachings, following Him rather than the popular traditions that lead us astray. The question for this generation is whether we will continue to ignore the warnings of Scripture or finally recognize the truth and turn back to God’s ways. As Luke 12:47-48 warns, those who know the truth but choose not to follow it will face greater judgment. Operation Lukewarm urges all to awaken from spiritual indifference, purging the false traditions and rekindling a true thirst for righteousness according to God’s Word."
![]() landscape-7373484_1280The largest reservoir in the United States supplies water to millions across seven states, tribal lands, and northern Mexico. Unfortunately most do not know how bad the water problem is for humanity! |
![]() pexels-jibarofoto-2014775Water bottles can provide immediate relief to communities facing drought and water scarcity by offering a portable and convenient source of clean drinking water. With over 2 billion people globally lacking access to safely managed drinking water and approximately 785 million people without basic drinking water services, bottled water can be crucial in emergency situations where local water supplies are compromised. Additionally, distributing water bottles helps mitigate health risks. |
![]() pexels-cottonbro-6141245With all the printed money and immediate funds for war, people should not have to fight to get something so essential and vital yet this is the case in many places. In this world the desired outcome is seen as beneficial hence the ineptitude on behalf of governments. |
![]() Worldwide 1 in 5 children do not get enough water to meet their daily needs. Many communities living in rural areas depends on surface water, hazardous sources, or water which can take hours to gather. |
![]() Tapping into underground water wells brings a stable water source to communities that cant access clean water. Unfortunately many communities do not have the funds or equipment for such life changing undertakings. |
![]() We all know water is essential and vital for survival! Providing test kits, water purification kits, well drilling, rain harvesting setups along with training for everyday preparation will dramatically change and empower communities. |
A Mission to Change Hearts!
Poverty, corruption, seclusion and insecurity creates a cloud of despair, desperation and doubt that ultimately befalls those in marginalized communities throughout the world. The filibustering conundrum of politics & promises has never worked!
Being an inspiration to your community has benefits! The right story and passion can mobilize a mission story!
*We depend on our community to alert us of potential missions, people, organizations and communities we could trust in bringing relief, progression, peace & love!

Reality In Perspective
The world has reached an impasse - Between 1990 and 2019 cancer rates in 204 countries surged 79.1% to 3.26 million in ages 14-49 - Wars are announced like movies - Food lost security when people stopped growing it -the earth shakes from corruption
With all the schooling, politics, sciences & "moving forward", Humanity seems to be in a stupor!
Trillion spent on war.114 million displaced.103 billion spent for "space programs". (2022 worldwide) 14.4 billion spent for 2020 US election.
Legislators, 5 living Presidents, 2 Supreme Court Justices, 11 Governors in US politics 2023 who descended from ancestors of slave owners.
Of U.S. counties have food insecurity.Every community in the country is home to families who face hunger. 59.5% of Americans struggle to afford grocery.
Of people living in poverty have been affected by corruption.32% of people in the Caribbean live in poverty. 107,543 US drug overdose deaths in 2023.
Individuals hold as much wealth as 50% of the worlds population. S&P CEO's average 272 times median workers. The richest 1% own 54 percent of stock and mutual funds.
Trillion is the debt owed by governments worldwide to independent banks that decide monetary policy without public input, approval, or fear of reprisal.

Lets make great
things happen!
If you would like to apply to participate in a mission or be a recipient wether individual, organization or community please fill out the form and a mission specialist will get back with you soon.
For more info email